The post-Iraq and Afghanistan discount prada baglandscape is unlike previouspost-war periods, Panetta said, necessitating this forward-leaning posture."The threats to our security and our global interests are not receding asthey appeared to do in past wars, coming out of World War II, coming out ofKorea, coming out of Vietnam, coming out of the end of the Cold War,"Panetta said. "The fact is today we still confront these threats in theworld, threats that are more complex, more dispersed, and in many ways, moredangerous."
Panetta—whose potential replacement may be announced as earlyas this week—said that the Pentagon has learned the lesson of past postwardraw-downs, “when deep across-the-board cuts hollowed out the force, and leftthe military demoralized and unready to carry out the missions assigned to it.Instead, we have set priorities and made tough decisions to build the force ofthe future,” he said.
Through Foreign Military Sales and Prada Shoulder Bagspartnering agreements, theUnited States is working closely with the Gulf States “to boost their capacityin critical areas such as missile defense and countermining,” he said, “whichwill help reduce the pressure to sustain these large deployments over thelong-term.” The United States announced last week that it was sending twoPatriot missile batteries and 400 soldiers to Turkey as part of a NATO effortto help protect the Turkish border region against the threat of missiles fromSyria. Germany and The Netherlands are also sending to Patriot batteries eachto Turkey.
National Press Club inWashington on Dec. 18, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta presented a vision ofthe future that includes a very active role for the U.S. military in apost-Afghanistan world, even as the Pentagon shrinks its end strength andtightens its fiscal belt.
whichwill help reduce the pressure to sustain these large deployments over thelong-term.” The United States announced last week that it was sending twoPatriot missile batteries and 400 soldiers to Turkey as part of a NATO effortto help protect the Turkish border region against the threat of missiles fromSyria. Germany and The prada online outletNetherlands are also sending to Patriot batteries eachto Turkey.