Expert advice to your Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and other designer handbags authentic to keep in good condition
Educated buyers of designer bags such as high-end Louis Vuitton and Chanel clothing and accessories, see their purchases as an investment. Today, Raya Jaffer, co-founder of the resale seller premiere luxury Rodeo Drive (http://www.shopRDR.com), has some tips on how to keep your wallet at his best.
Houston, TX (PRWEB) 6 July 2012
Luxury handbags quality are designed to last for many years. Unfortunately, the new owners of designer handbags high-end watch their big ticket purchase falls short of its expected service life due to exposure to extreme elements, improper storage, and other forms of abuse. Raya Jaffer, style expert and co-founder of Rodeo Drive Resale (http://www.shopRDR.com), has some tips on how to make the most of your investment handbag.
Preparing for a hand): The first step is to get the bag with a leather protection, many small patches that can occur down the line to protect treat.
2) Easy to pack: Do not overload the luxury bag, this may lead to considerable tension on the straps that are down can cause the line repaired. In addition, filling a bag with a maximum capacity will be deformed into the bag, destroying the entire broadcast.
3) Keep it clean: dirt, oil and sweat can quickly turn a baby Louis Vuitton bag in a sporadic disease. Therefore, it is always a good idea to only carry this luxury with clean hands. Also, avoid placing it on the floor - even for a short time. The rule of three seconds is a no-go when it comes to high fashion, and so for under $ 20 dollars per bag hanger is the perfect companion for your luxury bag. Strong enough to keep most of the bags, purse hanger literally hanging from the edge of the table so that you keep your bag free from the millions of germs on the floor, just waiting to ruin his perfect finish.
4 to store) carefully: When the bag is not used, there are provided in a uniform temperature must, advises Raya. "Be careful, it is your money, have in a controlled air, not too cold or hot. Changing humidity actually the surface of your leather or type of bag. It is also tarnish the material." She added that the bag is also included should be. "If you put your bags, use a breathable coating as a dust bag. Also never store a bag in there with nothing, it needs to be filled with soft tissue. The idea is to keep the teddy bear to hold its shape."
5) Give her room: "Be sure to stack your purse on one another," says Raya ".. Because it will cause bumps on your bags, the weight of the bag on top of it," Very fancy bags with straps unconventional can be difficult she said, noting that special attention on carriers that have the potential to damage the bag should be paid. "If she has a chain strap, make sure you wrap the string a little to throw, because if only the chain on the pocket, it will leave a footprint."
Popular handbags by designers such as Prada, Chanel, Judith Leiber and can cost a pretty penny, but these high-priced products hold their value exceptionally well to take, especially for the owners of the time, their pockets looking for luxury brand.
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