
Hermes compared to leisure part point

Chanel Cross Body Bags is much more biased than some point Kelly leisure bags, bark relatively soft, double-handle design, size and capacity of a little more. They represent two traditional bags, a change from the path, you could perhaps Birkin bag, of course, must be greater than the amount of advertising. This reality is sometimes rafting team, and buy a Cheap Chanel Wallet in about 10 million yuan, of course, if sufficient funds, but can also purchase an additional 23,000,000 tsene.Shiroky certain range of high quality is a lot of you want to configure.
Paint color is so retro, Hermes Birkin 30cm, 35cm Hermes Birkin, in a reasonable manner. See a vintage Hermes bag color, I would have engaged the help of ten layers, which consist of getting the red coat, or just to keep the coat is much less hard to be good too. Only after painting inside the package a lot of delicate surprise, surprise on the garment as a whole to understand the origin of the body. Only a Hermes bag is a much more neutral, I think these are adult men and girls also return.
Even to think of the best British gentleman with a hat, keep an umbrella in the return direction to packaging, to tone. The girls at the time, or retro or casual, informal. That costs are not retro-cheap, if Birkin half the price, but as regards its shape, I feel just a bit worth the price. perfect in the end, as much surprise in the package often selfish, I think it should definitely be the best view of the brand. In addition to the direction of the famous Chanel Evening Bags , and sometimes introduce Hermes Hermes other things, which are to buy Hermes bags, Bard, Hermes handbags, priced at 6100 dollars.

