
Original Louis Vuitton Neverfull Bag

 Louis Vuitton Damier Graphite Canvas Monogram Neverfull fabric made from canvas and natural cowhide leather trim and straps, which make honey color over time. But the aftershocks indicated that their products are made from genuine cowhide leather and color of honey, turn over time, but they do not ride as true all natural leather.
Beware of fake Louis Vuitton bags Louis Vuitton boxes, dust bags and receipts easily purchased at one of the many fake websites. They use them as props to fool ourselves into thinking that the bag is authentic. Many times a photo is not an action item, they send you. It's called bait and switch.
There are now selling online receipt, box, bag and label gifts with their response now. You can tell them where you want to get to specify where the item was purchased. Of course, they are not exact copies, and the buyer, who has never had an authentic Louis Vuitton, which may seem to look like Louis Vuitton handbags Real Deal.
The material inside (key rings and studs) all engraved Louis Vuitton. The zipper on the inside pocket should not be flat. Super-fake is the zipper, which closely resembles the original, but generally not so well, you'll find on Ceramic, Ebay, or fraudulent sites. Do not forget to look in print  Louis Vuitton Epi Leather  and warm as the date. The first two letters represent where was the point, and then four digits represent when it was created as follows: the date stamp. PM Louis Vuitton handbags, MA, GM will have different codes. There are about 25 codes for objects created in France and more than in the U.S., Spain, Italy, Germany, etc. I refer you to Fashonphile guides for a more detailed explanation mark the date and how they have evolved over the years. If you understand the system, and you know when they bought a bag that can help you determine the authenticity. For example, if the reception of false indicates the package was purchased in France in March 2009 and the date shows that it was done in Spain in May 2000, something is wrong here, bag, receipt, or more likely, as Louis Vuitton Mahina Leather.
Fake Web sites sell Neverfull PM for $ 179 - $ 189 that is approximately half the cost of truth. I think if you spend a lot of money, why not spend a little more and get the real, which will last a lifetime? Look at it as an investment. If you decide you need another package, you can sell your authentic LV on eBay or in a shop lot. Louis Vuitton has its value, and if he abandoned it will increase in value. Have you ever seen an old fake Louis Vuitton? They do not really LOL!

