
luxury consumers quality products, do not buy experience

  It serves to disguise meant a luxury shopping experience and go on to a high-end boutique, a seller, what to buy and enjoy a glass of champagne while she was carefully packed his check. They feel proud to spend the business with your brand bags and a little too much money for yourself or a loved one was good for me to have - as if the treatment was well deserved.

Finally, luxury brands have tried to replicate this process with inferior products in stores "output" and later the Internet has to make shopping easy at home. No dressing up necessary. Luxury boutiques above were once the site of luxury. The upscale experience enabled products price in the store. Brands conscious consumers in these retail establishments were willing to open their wallets. The buying experience is often more important than the product itself or the brand. For most of this has changed, as consumers fall in love with products and happy to give up the historical experience of luxury shopping.

The development of luxury shopping experience

In the world of luxury goods experience and perception are more important than good. The old rules dictate buy luxury that the act of purchasing a luxury product determines how much consumers are willing to spend, and take a consumer perception of a brand and its products. It's that old rules, and they are changing fast to the point where the luxury shopping experience is much less important than the product itself. Luxury consumers simply enjoy shopping and product experience that feels truly luxurious. Competing in the space of luxury brands must also adapt to the buying habits of consumers suffer further decline in sales and relevance.

A look at the luxury watch industry shows a persistent understanding of the past. While competitors Fashion living space and learned very quickly to take advantage of flash sales sites and e-commerce, the watchmaking company largely self "wholesale" keeps. A wholesale company manufactures products that are sold in bulk to distributors and retailers, who are then responsible for the sale of such products. It is only recently Luxury watch brands have also learned that they need to increase the awareness and the desire for their products through marketing campaigns and advertising. They have not understood that the new rules of retail dictate that they are increasingly responsible for the sale of their products to consumers.

In recent years, I had the opportunity to participate in the conversation with the leaders of the watch industry. The sale is subject to a model in which retail brands directly to the consumer (often with e-commerce) or move to a third party retailers to sell their goods. Many are afraid of what it means to individual consumers watches sell for large orders to retailers. The former model is much safer. A large order of tens or thousands of watches was money to produce products with a reduced risk of production losses. Watches are expensive to produce and it is safer to use the money in advance before production of watches that the company knows are sold.

Make a new relationship with consumers

The alternative is to cut out the middle man and sell directly to consumers through branded stores (stores owned by the company) or an online store. The increase in direct sales, that brand can maintain a "full margin." That is, they get the full value of their products in relation to the wholesale prices (which are often doubled before a consumer purchases to ensure that retailers make sales). The downside is the risk and the new responsibility to convince the consumer from buying their products. This is much harder than it seems.

Today, the luxury brands that have the responsibility for the successful production, creating retail demand, and finally fill the demand by selling directly to consumers. The value of the middle-man retailer Third quickly evaporates. Luxury brands have to compete with the desire on the market today a close relationship with the consumers who impress on the people the value of their brand, which includes new products, and give them the opportunity to buy with ease.

Luxury is the control over purchases

It was once the most retail sellers were good. You want to go to their store and trust in their expertise and advice to make informed decisions. They were demanding and the shopping experience of them was a big part of the purchase price. Significantly reduce the quality of today's retailers, especially as the traditional brick and mortar clear that the best advice available online through impartial experts - consumers have more confidence. More consumers prefer online shopping experience. Why? It was once widely believed that online shopping was preferred only because of the lower prices. While low prices are certainly a big part of the appeal, is a major part of the equation comfort - especially for the luxury consumer.

People with large amounts of disposable income often have small amounts of available time. The possibility of purchases to make on their schedule and their conditions (possibly underwear) proved to be much more appealing than having to leave the house or office to buy something as. If this course is based on the fact that people buy online, what they want. This is why a large part of the responsibility for a luxury brand for consumers of luxury through marketing and advertising their products to inform.

Nevertheless, luxury consumers often rely heavily on media buying decisions publications and research products they are interested in. make as consumers (both luxury and mainstream) do their own research and decision-making is that traditional retailers at risk because they do not serve longer a necessary goal, except for purchases with a bag and a box. That said, I'm a chicken to some of the finest watches and jewelery retailers throw traditional mom & pop that exist around the world. Often, trained staff and a pleasant shopping experience at the supermarket "cold", these institutions play an important role in the care traditionalists less interested in comparing their own purchasing decisions. Now, more and more in the future, these shutters have simply fill out a retail model more direct-to-consumer of luxury brands used.

